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- Jerry Crandall Bio
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- Original Art, Western and Aviation plus WWII Aviation Books and Aircraft Model Decals
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- Showcasing models built using EagleCals
- Sitemap
- American War Planes #15,#16 - Ethell
- Scale Model Handbook - Figure Modelling 1
- How to Build Plastic Aircraft Models
- Fokker D. VII - Anthology 1
- The World's First Turbojet Fighter Me 262 - Hecht
- B-17 The Plane and The Legend
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 into the Battle - Payne
- Panzer DNA German Military Vehicles of World War II-Guglielmi & Pieri
- The Battleship Bismarck - Draminski
- German Anti-Tank Aircraft - Griehl/Dressel
- American Aviation Historical Society Vol. 11, No. 4- Winter 1966
- F-14 A&B Tomcat - Detail & Scale Vol. 9 - Kinzey
- Fifteenth Air Force Combat Markings 1943-1945 - Munday
- F-4 Phantom II - Part 3 USN and USMC Versions- Detail & Scale Vol. 12
- Aerospace Historian Magazine Vol. 31, No. 4 Winter 1984
- Bf 109 G/H - Ledwoch
- Me 109 Messerschmitt Bf 109 E - Rimell
- Messerschmitt Me 109 cz. 2 - Michulec - Monograph #43
- Richthofen - Ferko
- Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe-Toliver /Constable -signed
- Horrido! Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe - Constable/Toliver
- Aireview's German Military Aircraft in The Second World War-Bunyoki/Zenbo
- The Luftwaffe - Bender
- The Air Combat Paintings of Robert Taylor - Weston & Taylor
- Aviation Art - Sharpe
- The War in the Air - WWII - Gurney
- Famous Fighters of the Second World War - Green
- P-47 Thunderbolt at war - Hess
- Escort to Berlin - Fry & Ethell
- Air Aces - Shores
- The Aircraft Treasures of Silver Hill - Boyne
- Day Fighters in Defence of the Reich A War Diary, 1942-1945 - Caldwell
- Corsair The F4U in World War II and Korea - Tillman
- Log of the Liberators - Birdsall
- Corsair Aces - Musciano
- One Last Look - Kaplan & Smith
- The Gatefold Book of World War II Warplanes
- The Vietnam War - Westmoreland
- The Pineapple Air Force Pearl Harbor to Tokyo - Lambert
- Famous Fighters of the Second World War - 2 - Green
- Thunderbolt A documentary history of the Republic P-47 - Freeman
- Fighter Command - American Fighters in Original WWII Color - Ethell & Sand
- Mustang A Documentary History - Ethell
- Aces, Pilots & Aircraft of the 9th, 12th & 15th USAAF - Weatherill
- Michael Wittmann volume two - Agte
- Kursk 1943 - Baxter
- Tales of the Flying Tigers - Ford
- Luftwaffe Colours Kampfflieger Vol. Two July 1940- Dec 1941 - Smith & Creek
- Luftwaffe Colours Kampfflieger Vol 4 Summer 1943-May 1945 - Beale
- Planes and Pilots Junkers Ju 87 from 1936 to 1945 - Leonard and Jouineau
- Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer - O'Neill
- Vargas 20s - 50s
- German E-boats 1939-45 - Williamson
- Richthofen's Circus - VanWyngarden
- Vintage Aircraft Nose Art Ready for Duty - Valant
- For the Boys - Collins
- Pin-Up Wings - Hugault & Negroni
- The Great American Pin-Up - Martignette & Meisel
- The Skull & Cross Bones Squadron - Cook
- Tiger I on the Western Front - Restayn
- Tiger Ace - Simpson
- Meatballs and Dead Birds - Gallagher
- Illustration in Action - Batchelor and Christy
- Eagle Day - Collier
- I Was a Kamikaze - Nagatsuka
- Memoirs of a Kamikaze-Odachi
- Terror in the Starboard Seat - McIntosh
- Uniforms of the Panzer Troops 1917 - to the present / Hormann
- Vampire Squadron - Starke
- Tigers in Normandy - Schneider
- TIGER I Panzerkampfwagen - Feist/Culver
- Battle of the Bulge, Then and Now - Pallud
- Tigers in Combat I - Schneider
- MORE Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile - Sundin/Bergstrom
- Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile - Sundin/Bergstrom
- La Luftwaffe Attaque a L'Ouest - Frappe
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 at War - Ishoven
- The Observer's Book of Aircraft-pocket series
- The 20th Air Force Album XX Bomber Command
- Original Big Hog manuscript by Capt. Tom Blackburn
- EagleParts #64-32 - Fw 190 D-9 blades
- Fighter General - The Life of Adolf Galland - Toliver & Constable
- Adolf Galland Ein Fliegerleben - Held
- Hell's Corner 1940 - Kent Becomes the Battlefield of Britain - Boorman
- The Interrogator - Toliver
- Rendezvous with Fate - Lallemant
- Esau - Ewald
- I Was a Nazi Flier - Leske
- Messerschmitts over Sicily - Steinhoff
- EagleParts #40-32 - Fw 190 D Series Cockpit kit
- EagleParts #52-32 - Focke-Wulf 190 A Tail Wheel
- Molders und seine Manner
- Die Kriegsgebührnisse der Luftwaffe - Hadek 2 books
- The Luftwaffe War Diaries - Bekker
- The Struggle for Pomerania - Murawski
- B-17s over Berlin - Hawkins editor
- ACE! Autobiography Fighter Pilot WWII
- Jagdgeschwader 7 - Boehme
- Fighter General - Toliver & Constable
- Flight of the Intruder - Coonts
- Das Waren die Deutschen Kampfflieger-Asse 1939-1945
- Start im Morgengrauen - Girbig
- Husaren des Himmels - Hagen
- Iron Coffins - Werner
- Knights of the Reich - Fraschka
- Luftwaffe Aces - Kurowski
- To Fly and Fight - Anderson & Hamelin
- Yeager, an Autobiography - Yeager and Janos
- War Planes of the Third Reich - Green
- Going Downtown - Broughton
- EagleParts #71-32 Spitfire Mk I and II oil cooler
- EagleParts #26-32 Bf 109 K Cockpit kit
- Profile Publications - 12 issues
- Junkers Ju-88 - Nowarra
- Pfalz Scout, Spad XII/XIII, Sopwith Camel- Aircraft of the Aces of WW I - Osprey series - Set of 3
- Fokker D V11 Aces of WW 1 Part 1 and 2- Aircraft of the Aces - Osprey series - Set of 2
- American Aces of WW 1, Fokker Dr 1 Aces, Albatros Aces- Aircraft of the Aces - Osprey series - Set of 3
- Imperial Japanese Navy Aces and Japanese Army Air Force Aces - Aircraft of the Aces - Osprey series - Set of 2
- Fw 190 Aircraft of the Aces - Osprey series - Set of 3
- Hellcat and RAF Aircraft of the Aces - Osprey series - Set of 2
- Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and the Mediterranean - Scutts
- EagleParts #44-32 - Focke-Wulf 190 D-9 Tail Wheel
- EagleParts #45-32 - Fw 190A Spinner and Common prop blades 9-12067A
- USAAF Colours 1 American Eagles - Holmes
- Sturmstaffel 1 - 1943-1944 War Diary - Mombeek
- The Blue Max Airmen - Vol. 14 - Bronnenkant
- The Blue Max Airmen Vol. 11 - Bronnenkant
- Messerschmitt #1, #14 and Heinkel #4
- Messerschmitt - Aero Publishers Inc.
- Curtis P-40 and Republic P-47 - #3, #6
- Defenders of the Reich - 3 Volume set - Mombeek
- Jasta Colors Vol. 1 - Schmaling
- Second to None - Grace
- Aces and Wingmen II Vol. 1 - Morris
- Die Ritterkreuztrager der Luftwaffe - Obermaier
- IV. Jagdgeschwader 3 1943-1945 - Prien
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 II./JG 3 - Prien & Stemmer
- Hellcat/The F6F in World War II - Tillman
- World War II in the Air/The Pacific - Sunderman
- USS Arizona Memorial - Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark
- Jagdwaffe Classic Colours Vol. Three, Section 1,4
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 F,G,K - Prien & Rodeike
- Finnish Air Force in Colour - Keskinen & Stenman
- Aircraft Profiles Vol. 4
- Aircraft in Profile Vol. 2
- Le Focke Wulf 190 - Lorant & Frappé
- Uniforms & Traditions of the German Army 1933-1945 - Angolia & Schlicht Vol. 1
- Jagdgeschwader 17 - Girbig & Ring
- Uniforms and Insignia of the Luftwaffe Vol. 1&2; German Army Uniforms - Davis
- The American Flying Boat - Knott
- Flying Fortress - Jablonski
- Endkampf 1944-1945 - Urbanke
- Aces High Camera Painting Vol. 1 - Porta
- Les Messerschmitt sur le front méditerranéen - Aders
- Flugzeug Fahrwerke - Sengfelder
- The Battleship Scharnhorst - Draminkski
- Headgear of Hitler's Germany Vol. 1
- The Messerschmitt Combat Diary - Foreman & Harvey
- La Luftwaffe face au débarquement Allié - Frappé
- Classic Aircraft of World War II
- Messerschmitt Me 262 Production Log 1941-1945
- Messerschmitt 'O-Nine' Gallery - Hitchcock
- Runways to Victory: Belgian Airfield and Allied Tactical Fighter Ops 1944-1945
- The 9th Air Force in World War II
- The 357th Over Europe - Olmsted
- Luftwaffe Over Czech Territory Me 262 Production & Arado Ar 234 Finals Ops - JaPo
- Luftwaffe over Czech Territory Me 262s of KG & KG(J) units JaPo
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 K two volume set by JaPo
- Der Jagdflieger Walter Nowotny by Held
- Luftwaffe Over Czech Territory 1945 Japo
- In the Skies of France Vol. 1 Mombeeck
- Luftwaffe Diary two volume set by Uwe Feist and Thomas McGuirl
- Dornier 335 Arrow Monogram Monarch #2
- EagleCals for Fokker DR. 1 EC#94 in 32nd scale
- EagleCals for Fokker DR. 1 EC#93 in 32nd scale
- WINGS OF THE ALLIES The European Air War Volume One
- Green Hearts: First in Combat with Dora 9
- EagleCals #189 P-51Ds in Europe, 72nd scale
- EagleCals #189 P-51Ds in Europe, 48th scale
- EagleCals #189 P-51Ds in Europe, 32nd scale
- EagleCals #189 P-51 Ds in Europe
- EagleCals #188 P-38 Lightnings in Europe, 32nd scale
- EagleCals #188 P-38 Lightnings in Europe, 48th scale
- EagleCals #188 P-38 Lightnings in Europe, 72nd scale
- EagleCals #188 P-38 Lightnings in Europe
- Wings of the Black Cross #14
- EagleCals #186-32 Mosquito FB Mk VI
- Italeri 1/12 scale Alfa Romeo kit
- Gunze Sangyo 1/24 scale Ferrari 250 GTO kit
- Pacific Coast Models Fw Ta 152 H-1 kit 1/32
- Meng Fokker Dr. I Triplane 1/24 kit
- Meng 1/32nd Fokker Dr. I Triplane kit
- Trumpeter Me 262 A-1a 1/32 kit
- Individual aircraft profile prints from Green Hearts book
- Green Hearts profile poster print #10
- Green Hearts profile poster print #9
- Green Hearts profile poster print #8
- Green Hearts profile poster print #7
- Green Hearts profile poster print #6
- Green Hearts profile poster print #5
- Green Hearts profile poster print #4
- Green Hearts profile poster print #3
- Green Hearts profile poster print #2
- Green Hearts profile poster print #1
- Aircraft profile prints from Green Hearts book
- WINGS OF THE BLACK CROSS #13 ~ Mark Proulx
- Test Product
- EagleCals #185 Spitfire Mk IX in 24th Scale
- EagleCals #183 Spitfire Mk IX in 24th Scale
- EagleCals #182 Spitfire Mk IX in 24th Scale
- EagleCals #181 Bf 109 G-2s in 72nd scale
- EagleCals #181 Bf 109 G-2s in 48th scale
- EagleCals #181 Bf 109 G-2s in 32nd scale
- EagleCals #184 Bf 109 G-2/4s 48th scale
- EagleCals #184 Bf 109 G-2/4s 72nd scale
- EagleCals #184 Bf 109 G-2/4s 32nd scale
- EagleCals #184 Bf 109 G-2/4s
- EagleCals #181 Bf 109 G2s
- Wings of the Black Cross #12 ~ Mark Proulx
- Wings of the Black Cross Special Bf 109 Photo Album ~ Mark Proulx
- EagleCals #180 Fw 190 A-5s
- EagleCals #180 Fw 190 A-5s in 48th scale
- EagleCals #180 Fw 190 A-5s in 32nd scale
- EagleCals #180 Fw 190 A-5s in 72nd scale
- EagleCals #179 Fw 190 A-4/5s
- EagleCals #179 Fw 190 A-4/5s in 72nd scale
- EagleCals #179 Fw 190 A-4/5s in 48th scale
- EagleCals #179 Fw 190 A-4/5s in 32nd scale
- Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Dora vol. One FIRST EDITION
- War Club ~ Ledger style artwork by Jerry Crandall
- Horse Stealer ~ Ledger style artwork by Jerry Crandall
- Roman Nose ~ Ledger style artwork by Jerry Crandall
- On the Alert oil by Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #178-32 P-40 Tomahawk IIB
- EagleCals #178-48 P-40 Tomahawk IIB
- EagleCals #178-72 P-40 Tomahawk IIB
- EagleCals #177-32 P-40s of the A.V.G. 3rd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #177-48 P-40s of the A.V.G. 3rd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #177-72 P-40s of the A.V.G. 3rd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #176-32 P-40s of the A.V.G. 1st and 2nd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #176-48 P-40s of the A.V.G. 1st and 2nd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #176-72 P-40s of the A.V.G. 1st and 2nd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #178 P-40 Tomahawk IIB
- EagleCals #177 P-40s of the A.V.G. 3rd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #176 P-40s of the A.V.G. 1st and 2nd Pursuit Squadron
- EagleCals #37 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #101-32 P-51 Mustangs
- Fighters of the Iron Cross-Deluxe, Limited Edition
- LuGa #6 Luck, Fate and Destiny by Erik Mombeeck & Maciej Gøralczyk
- EagleCals #142-32 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #175-48
- EagleCals #175-32
- EagleCals #175 Fw 190 A-8/R2s
- EagleCals #173-48
- Wings of the Black Cross Special Number Three Bf 109
- Billy and Pat ~ Jerry Crandall
- Beauty and the Beast ~ Jerry Crandall
- One Eyed Jack ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #36-32 The Blond Knight
- EagleCals #174-32 Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1
- EagleCals #174-48 Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1
- EagleCals #174-72 Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1
- EagleCals #174
- Fighters of the Iron Cross-Standard Edition, Jerry Crandall
- Chatty Cathi ~ Jerry Crandall
- Roman Nose ~ Jerry Crandall
- William Bonney ~ Jerry Crandall
- Trouble on the Tracks ~ Jerry Crandall
- Time to Reload ~ Jerry Crandall
- Cautious ~ Jerry Crandall
- Caution print by Jerry Crandall
- Julia's Memories ~ Jerry Crandall
- Sunday Afternoon ~ Jerry Crandall
- WWII gun sight, unusual
- Too Close for Comfort ~ Jerry Crandall
- Tribute to the Cowboy ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #100 Preddy 1:72 decals ONLY
- JG 301 Charging Bull ~ Jerry Crandall
- JG 301 Tiger ~ Jerry Crandall
- Tranquility ~ Jerry Crandall
- Big Medicine Horse ~ Jerry Crandall
- Time of the Buffalo ~ Jerry Crandall
- Cheyenne Memories ~ Jerry Crandall
- Fw 190 A Crashed Luftwaffe aircraft parts
- Little One ~ Jerry Crandall
- Ghost Riders ~ Jerry Crandall
- "Will you Marry Me?" ~ by Jerry Crandall
- The Patriarch ~ Jerry Crandall
- Pony Express ~ Jerry Crandall
- Easy Now Doc ~ Jerry Crandall
- Cow-Boy ~ Jerry Crandall
- Wings of the Black Cross #11
- Bent's Fort Beauty ~ Jerry Crandall
- Peter Sherayko as Texas Jack Vermillion Giclée
- Luftwaffe im Focus Vol. 1
- TOMBSTONE the movie cap~Autographed!
- TOMBSTONE the movie cap
- Frank Stallone as Ed Bailey in Tombstone~signed print
- Turkey Creek Jack Johnson, Buck Taylor poster
- TOMBSTONE poster by Jerry Crandall
- Peter Sherayko as Texas Jack Vermillion signed print
- Be Nice ~ Jerry Crandall
- Chief Iron Shirt at Fort McKenzie ~ Jerry Crandall
- General George Armstrong Custer Giclée edition
- Tatanka ~ Jerry Crandall
- Quit yer Sqwakin' ~ Jerry Crandall
- No Water Yet ~ Jerry Crandall
- Many Horses Woman ~ Jerry Crandall
- Horse Dreamer ~ Jerry Crandall
- Crazy Horse's Magic Dust ~ Jerry Crandall
- Bull Session ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #171-72 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #172-32 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #172 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #172-48 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #171 Bf 109 G-6s
- Big Country Giclée
- Gas Patch Painting Masks for Hs 123 in 1/48th scale
- Henschel HS123 A1
- EagleCals #172-72 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #171-32 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #171-48 Bf 109 G-6s
- Home Schooling ~ Jerry Crandall
- Quiet Time ~ Jerry Crandall
- RB-C32006 1/32 Me 262 Main Wheels
- RB-M32007 1/32 Me 262 B1a/U1 Canopy Masks
- EagleCals #170 Me 262 B-1a/U1 in 48th scale
- EagleCals #170 Me 262 B-1a/U1 in 72nd scale
- EagleCals #170 Me 262 B-1a-U1
- EagleCals #170 Me 262 B-1a/U1 in 32nd scale
- Thoroughbred ~ Jerry Crandall
- Free as the Wind ~ Jerry Crandall
- TOMBSTONE ~ Jerry Crandall
- Wings of the Black Cross Special Number Two - Junkers Ju 87 Stuka
- Son of the Wolf ~ Jerry Crandall
- Pawnee ~ Jerry Crandall
- Let 'er Buck ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #166-72 Fw 190 Fs and A-9
- EagleCals #166-48 Fw 190 Fs and A-9
- EagleCals #165-32 Fw 190 Fs
- EagleCals #165-72 Fw 190 Fs
- EagleCals #97-72 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #163-48 FAA Corsairs
- EagleCals #98-48 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #97-48 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #161-72 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 1
- EagleCals #161-32 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 1
- Cowgirls; Early Images and Collectibles
- Racing the Iron Horse
- Bear Country ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #169-48 Mosquito B.Mk.VI
- EagleCals #168 Mosquito FB.Mk.VI
- Ruby Lips - Marilyn Monroe ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #167-32 Mosquito B.Mk. IV/PR.Mk. IV
- EagleCals #167-48 Mosquito B.Mk. IV/PR.Mk. IV
- EagleCals #167-72 Mosquito B.Mk. IV/PR.Mk. IV
- EagleCals #167 Mosquitos B.Mk. IV/PR.Mk. IV
- EagleCals #166-32 Fw 190 Fs and A-9
- EagleCals #166 Fw 190 Fs and A-9
- EagleCals #165-48 Fw 190 Fs
- EagleCals #165 Fw 190 Fs
- Prayer and Paint ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #164 Do 335 Pfeil
- EagleCals #164-32 Do 335 Pfeil
- EagleCals #164-48 Do 335 Pfeil
- EagleCals #164-72 Do 335 Pfeil
- EagleCals #148-32 P-61 Black Widows
- EagleCals #148-72 P-61A Black Widows
- EagleCals #142 P-51Ds
- EagleCals #141 P-51 Ds
- EagleCals #140 P-51 Ds
- EagleCals #139 P-51 D
- EagleCals #138 Me 262 As KG(J) Units
- EagleCals #136 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #135 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #134 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #133 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #129 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #128 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #126 Fw 190 Doras Based on book Fw 190 Doras Vol. 2
- EagleCals #125 Fw 190 Doras based on the book Fw 190 Doras Vol. 2 by Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #124 Fw 190 Doras based on the book Fw 190 Doras Vol. 2 by Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #119 Bf 110 C/D Zerstorer
- EagleCals #118 Bf 110 C/D Zerstorer
- EagleCals #117 Bf 110 C/D Zerstorer
- EagleCals #116 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Three
- EagleCals #115 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Two
- EagleCals #111 Fw 190 Doras
- EagleCals #110 Fw 190 Doras
- EagleCals #109 Fw 190 Doras
- EagleCals #108 Fw 190 Doras Based on the Book Fw 190 Dora Vol. 1
- EagleCals #103 P-51 Mustangs To War with the Yoxford Boys
- EagleCals #102 P-51 Mustangs To War with the Yoxford Boys
- EagleCals #99 Fw 190 A-8s Sturmjäger IV./JG 3 “Udet”
- EagleCals #90 JG 300 Part Three Bf 109 Gs & Fw 190s
- EagleCals #89 JG 300 Part Two Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #60 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #59 Fw 190 Doras "Yellow 10" and Friends
- EagleCals #58 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #57 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #53 Fw 190 A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5
- EagleCals #50 Bf 109 E-3 and E-4s flown by Hans "Assi" Hahn
- EagleCals #41 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #35 Schlangenschwarm Fw 190s
- EagleCals #29 Me 262s A-1as
- EagleCals #25 Dutch B-25s
- EagleCals #22 Fw 190 A-8/R2s
- EagleCals #21 Yellow Tail D-9s
- EagleCals #14 Dora of the Galland Circus
- EagleCals #8 Sturmjager part 2 Udet
- EagleCals #2 As and Ds from Green Hearts book
- EagleCals #1 Fw 190 Green Hearts
- EagleCals #137 Bf 109 F-2s
- EagleCals #67 Bf 109 Gs Graf & Grislawski Part 4
- EagleCals #66 Bf 109s Graf & Grislawski Part 3
- EagleCals #65 Bf 109 G-2s flown by Alfred Grislawski and Hermann Graf Part Two
- EagleCals #52 Bf 109 Gs and Fs - Assi Hahn Part Three
- EagleCals #27 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #48 Bf 109 G-4 and G-6
- EagleCals #47 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #88 JG 300 Part One Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #42 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #38 Bf 109 Gs
- EagleCals #36 The Blond Knight, Erich Hartmann's Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #46 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #43 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #75 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #74 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #62 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #15 Bf 109 K-4
- EagleCals #51 Bf 109 F-2s and F-4s
- EagleCals #64 Bf 109 F-4s
- EagleCals #130 Bf 109 F-4 Trop
- EagleCals #132 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #107 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #114 Spitfire Mk. IX
- EagleCals #56 Little Chief P-47
- EagleCals #104 P-47 Bubble Ds
- EagleCals #105 P47 Ds
- EagleCals #106 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #100 Preddy's P-51 Mustang
- EagleCals #101 To War with the Yoxford Boys P-51s
- EagleCals #10 Fw 190 Doras, Fs and As
- EagleCals #131
- EagleCals #28 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #145 B-25 J
- EagleCals #149 He 111 H
- EagleCals #45 Wolfgang Falck Me 110s
- EagleCals #127 Me 262 A-1a
- EagleCals #151 F4U 1 Birdcage Corsairs Part 2
- EagleCals #150 F4U 1 Birdcage Corsairs Part 1
- EagleCals #152 F4U 1 Birdcage Corsairs part 3
- EagleCals #40 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #153 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #154 Ju 88 A-4 Stukas
- EagleCals #143 Ju 87 B Stukas
- EagleCals #144 Stukas Ju 87 B/R Stukas
- EagleCals #158 Spitfire Mk II
- EagleCals #162 F4U-1 Corsairs Part 2
- EagleCals #161 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 1
- EagleCals #98 Ju 87 G Stuka
- EagleCals #163 FAA Corsairs
- EagleCals #97 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #163-32 FAA Corsairs
- Cowgirl's Race Frontier Day Cheyenne RP postcard
- EagleCals #163-72 FAA Corsairs
- EagleCals #168-72 Mosquito FB.Mk.VI
- EagleCals #169-72 Mosquito B.Mk.VI
- EagleCals #169 Mosquito FB.Mk.VI
- EagleCals #168-48 Mosquito FB.Mk.VI
- EagleCals #168-32 Mosquito FB.Mk.VI
- EagleCals #162-72 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 2
- EagleCals #162-48 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 2
- EagleCals #162-32 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 2
- EagleCals #161-48 F4U 1 Corsairs Part 1
- Sacred Skull ~ Jerry Crandall
- Cisco and Pancho ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #144-72 Ju 87 B/R Stukas
- EagleCals #143-72 Ju 87 B-2 Stukas
- Wings of the Black Cross Special Number One~Bf 110
- EagleParts #70-32 Spitfire Rotol Spinner and blades in 1/32nd
- EagleParts #21-48 Bf 109 and Fw 190 corrected drop tank
- EagleCals #158-48 Spitfire Mk II
- EagleCals #160 Hawker Typhoon Part II
- EagleCals #159 Hawker Typhoon Part I
- EagleCals #158-72 Spitfire Mk II
- EagleCals #157-72 Spitfire Mk Ia
- EagleCals #155-32 Erla Bf 109 G-10 JG 300
- EagleCals #156-32 Erla Bf 109 G-10 JG 301 and KG(J) 6
- Fw 190 D-9 "Brown 18"
- Fw 190 D-9 "Brown 16"
- Fw 190 D-9 "Brown 9"
- Fw 190 D-9 "Black 14"
- Fw 190 A-6 "Black 3" JG 1
- Fw 190 A-9 "Red 22" JG 301
- Luftwaffe Color Chart
- Hollow Horn Bear ~ Jerry Crandall
- Grandfather's Shield ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #98-72 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #154-72 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #154-32 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #154-48 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #153-32 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #153-48 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #153-72 Ju 88 A-4
- EagleCals #152-72 F4U 1 Part 3
- EagleCals #150-72 F4U 1 Part 1
- EagleCals #151-72 F4U 1 Part 2
- EagleCals #151-48 F4U 1 Part 2
- EagleCals #150-48 F4U 1 Part 1
- EagleCals #152-48 F4U 1 Part 3
- EagleCals #151-32 F4U 1 Part 2
- EagleCals #127-32 Me 262 A-1a
- EagleCals #127-48 Me 262 A-1a
- Wings of the Black Cross #10
- EagleCals #45-32 Wolfgang Falck Me 110s
- EagleCals #98-32 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #97-32 Ju 87 G Stukas
- EagleCals #40-48 Bf 109 G-6
- EagleCals #149-72 He 111 H
- EagleCals #149-48 He 111 H
- EagleCals #149-32 He 111 H
- RB-M32002 1/32 F4U-1 Corsair Birdcage Canopy Mask
- Yellow Hair Giclée Canvas Edition
- EC#148-32 P-61 Black Widows
- EC#148-72 P-61A Black Widows
- In the Land of the Enemy ~ Jerry Crandall
- RB-P32029 He 219 radiator cowl gills
- EagleCals #145-48 B-25J
- A Perfect Pair ~ Jerry Crandall
- Pahaska-Buffalo Bill Giclée
- Linen printed postcard Tad Lucas
- Cowgirl RP postcard
- EagleCals #146-32 B-25H
- Six Shooters, Cowgirl Kimbra
- Cowgirls and Plains Indians RP postcard
- Cowgirl's Race Round Up RP postcard
- Cowgirl's Race Frontier Day Cheyenne RP postcard
- Lewis & Clark Stampede RP postcard
- Mabel Strickland RP postcard
- Cowgirls at Triangle Ranch RP postcard
- JEB Stuart Painting in progress
- Ol' Crookshank
- "I Reckon it Might be February"
- U.S. Dragoon mini portrait
- Wild Bill Hickok mini portrait
- On to Taos
- The Cow-Boys 1881
- EagleCals #28-48 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #28-72 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #131-32 Bf 109 F-4
- EagleCals #15-72 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #63-32 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #63-48 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #74-32 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #74-48 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #75-48 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #75-72 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #81-32 Bf 109 G-14/AS and G-10s
- EagleCals #43-72 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #46-48 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #80-32 Bf 109 G-10s
- EagleCals #36-48 The Blond Knight Erich Hartmann
- EagleCals #36-72 The Blond Knight Erich Hartmann
- EagleCals #38-32 Bf 109 Gs
- EagleCals #38-48 Bf 109 Gs
- EagleCals #38-72 Bf 109 Gs
- EagleCals #42-32 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #42-48 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #40-72 Bf 109 G-6
- EagleCals #88-72 JG 300 Part One Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #47-48 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #47-72 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #48-32 Bf 109 G-4 and G-6
- EagleCals #48-48 Bf 109 G-4 and G-6
- EagleCals #48-72 Bf 109 G-4 and G-6
- EagleCals #27-72 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #27-48 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #52-32 Bf 109 Assi Hahn part three
- EagleCals #52-48 Bf 109 Assi Hahn part three
- EagleCals #65-32 Bf 109 F4s and G-2s Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #65-48 Bf 109s Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #65-72 Bf 109s Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #66-32 Bf 109 Es and Gs Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #66-48 Bf 109s Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #66-72 Bf 109s Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #67-32 Bf 109 Gs Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #67-48 Bf 109 Gs Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #67-72 Bf 109 Gs Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #132-32 Bf 109 G-6
- EagleCals #132-72 Bf 109 G-6
- EagleCals #130-32 Bf 109 F-4 Trop
- EagleCals #130-48 Bf 109 F-4 Trop
- EagleCals #64-32 Bf 109 F-4 Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #64-48 Bf 109 F-4 Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #51-32 Bf 109 Assi Hahn F-2s and F-4s
- EagleCals #51-72 Bf 109 Assi Hahn F-2s and F-4s
- EagleCals #137-48 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #136-48 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #135-48 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #50-32 Bf 109 Assi Hahn E-3 and E-4
- EagleCals #50-48 Bf 109 Assi Hahn E-3 and E-4
- EagleCals #50-72 Bf 109 Assi Hahn E-3 and E-4
- EagleCals #122-32 Bf 109 E-1 Part Three
- EagleCals #121-32 Bf 109 E-1 Part Two
- EagleCals #120-32 Bf 109 E-1 Part One
- EagleCals #134-72 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #133-32 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #133-72 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #123-48 Ta 152 Cs
- EagleCals #19-48 Fw 190 D-11, D-12 & D-13
- EagleCals #59-32 Fw 190 D-9, D-11 & D-13
- EagleCals #59-48 Fw 190 D-9, D-11 & D-13
- EagleCals #126-32 Fw 190 D-9s & D-13
- EagleCals #126-72 Fw 190 D-9s & D-13
- EagleCals #124-32 Fw 190 D-9s & D-11s
- EagleCals #124-72 Fw 190 D-9s & D-11s
- EagleCals #14-32 Fw 190 Doras JV 44
- EagleCals #14-48 Fw 190 Doras JV 44 R#2
- EagleCals #125-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #125-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #2-72 Fw 190 A/Ds Green Hearts
- EagleCals #21-32 Fw 190 D-9s Yellow Tails
- EagleCals #21-48 Fw 190 D-9s Yellow Tails
- EagleCals #57-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #57-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #57-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #58-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #58-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #58-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #60-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #60-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #61-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #61-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #111-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #110-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #110-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #110-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #109-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #108-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #10-48 Fw 190 Doras, Fs and As
- EagleCals #7-48 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #22-72 Fw 190 A-8/R2s
- EagleCals #22-48 Fw 190 A-8/R2s
- EagleCals #99-48 Fw 190 A-8s Sturmjäger IV./JG 3 "Udet"
- EagleCals #9-48 Fw 190 A-8s JG 5 Eismeer
- EagleCals #76-32 Fw 190 A-8s
- EagleCals #78-32 Fw 190 A-8s
- EagleCals #79-32 Fw 190 A-8s
- EagleCals #89-48 JG 300 Part 2 190s
- EagleCals #89-72 JG 300 Part 2 190s
- EagleCals #90-32 JG 300 109s and 190s
- EagleCals #83-32 Fw 190 A-5s
- EagleCals #53-72 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #53-48 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #129-48 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #128-32 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #87-32 He 162s
- EagleCals #86-32 He 162s
- EagleCals #144-32 Ju 87 B/R Stukas
- EagleCals #18-72 Hs 129s
- EagleCals #138-72 Me 262 As KG(J)
- EagleCals #127-72 Me 262 A-1a
- EagleCals #96-32 Me 262 A-1s
- EagleCals #95-32 Me 262 A-1s
- EagleCals #29-72 Me 262A-1as
- EagleCals #119-48 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #118-72 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #117-48 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #117-72 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #45-48 Wolfgang Falck Me 110s
- EagleCals #45-72 Wolfgang Falck Me 110s
- EagleCals #73-32 P-40s
- EagleCals #69-32 P-40 Flying Tigers
- EagleCals #72-32 P-38 Lightnings
- EagleCals #25-48 B-25 C/Ds 320 Dutch Squadron
- EagleCals #116-48 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Three
- EagleCals #116-72 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Three
- EagleCals #115-48 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Two
- EagleCals #115-72 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Two
- EagleCals #142-48 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #141-32 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #141-72 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #140-32 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #140-48 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #140-72 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #139-72 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #103-48 To War with the Yoxford Boys P-51 Mustangs
- EagleCals #102-32 To War with the Yoxford Boys P-51 Mustangs
- EagleCals #106-32 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #106-72 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #105-32 P-47
- EagleCals #105-48 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #105-72 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #104-32 P-47 Bubble Ds
- EagleCals #104-48 P-47 Bubble Ds
- EagleCals #104-72 P-47 Bubble Ds
- EagleCals #56-72 Little Chief P-47
- EagleCals #114-32 Spitfire Mk. IX
- EagleCals #25-72 B-25 C/Ds 320 Dutch Squadron
- Tomcat! The Grumman F-14 Story
- To Fly and Fight
- Defending the Reich
- P-51 Mustang Aces
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 F,G & K
- The JG 26 War Diary Vol. One
- The Night Fighters
- JG 54 Photographic History
- JG 7 The World's First Jet Fighter Unit
- Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces II
- Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces I85.
- EagleParts #25-32 Bf 109 corrected supercharger
- EagleParts #22-32 Bf 109 Battery Box
- EagleParts #20-32 Bf 109 corrected spinner
- EagleParts #63-32 Ta 152 C/R14 Torpedo Flugzeug
- EagleParts #53-32 Fw 190 Main Tire and Wheel set
- EagleParts #50-32 - Fw 190A Conversion set
- EagleParts #47-32 - Fw 190A Spinner and Large Wooden Prop blades 9-12176A
- EagleParts #46-32 - Fw 190A Spinner and prop blades w/external weights
- Wolfgang Falck, the Happy Falcon Autobiography
- The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 LE
- The Focke-Wulf Ta 152
- Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Dora Vol. Two LE
- JG 300 Vol. 2 Chronicle of a Fighter Geschwader LE
- Wings of the Black Cross #7
- Wings of the Black Cross #5
- Wings of the Black Cross #4
- EagleParts #2-48 Krebs-Gerät
- EagleCals #107-72 P-47Ds
- Wings of the Black Cross #1
- EagleCals #147-48 He 219
- Sami the Sailor Girl - Fly Navy Puzzle
- EagleCals #145-32 B-25J
- Printed photo postcard Rose Smith #13
- Printed Photo postcard Rose Smith
- Printed photo postcard Doris Haynes
- Pee Wee Burge printed photo postcard
- W.S. Bowman real photo postcard of Bertha Blanchett
- Real photo postcard, Roman Race cowgirls
- real photo postcard Doubleday image of Cowgirls
- Printed colorized postcard Goldie St. Clair
- Ruth Dickey Cowgirl photo postcard
- Fannie Steele 1913 real photo postcard
- Fanny Steele real photo postcard
- Fanny Sperry Steele real photo postcard
- Printed photo cowgirl postcard 1910
- Prairie Rose RP postcard Vancouver 1914
- Dorothy Morrell Real photo postcard
- Grand March Pendleton 1921
- Prairie Rose RP postcard
- Fox Hastings Doubleday RP postcard
- Rhene Haffley Monte Vista Stampede photo postcard
- Linen printed postcard Margie Greenough
- Helen Rue cowgirl RP postcard
- Lucille Mulhall Sheridan Stampede RP postcard
- Bonnie McCarroll Pendleton Ore Round-Up photo postcard
- Goldie St. Clair colorized photo postcard
- Prairie Rose Henderson RP postcard
- Foster Photo cowgirls Miles city MT RP postcard
- Tex Austin Rodeo RP postcard
- Rose Smith Doubleday RP postcard
- Printed color postcard
- Fly Navy-Sami the Sailor Girl
- Fox Hastings bulldogging RP postcard
- Helen Texas RP postcard
- Pendleton Round Up Queen 1924 RP postcard
- Cowgirl's Race Cheyenne colorized P postcard
- Kittie Cannutt RP postcard
- Pendelton OR Round Up RP postcard
- Mildred Douglas RP postcard
- Relay race Gilman stampede postcard
- Lewis & Clark 1920 Stampede postcard
- Gilman 1920 Stampede postcard
- Lucille Mulhall RP postcard
- Charlie and The Medicine Man ~ Jerry Crandall
- Raven Hair Woman ~ Jerry Crandall
- Trouble on Clear Creek
- Winter's Chill
- Coureurs des Bois
- Visiting First Lady
- Buckskin Bill, the Tradin' Man
- Autumn in the Bayou Salade
- American Cowgirl Poster
- B-17 Out House Mouse - The Mouse and the Flea ~ Jerry Crandall
- Six Shooters, Cowgirl Kimbra ~ Jerry Crandall
- Fly Navy, Sami the Sailor Girl ~ Jerry Crandall
- His Sister's Toy Horse ~ Jerry Crandall
- EagleCals #15-48 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #62-32 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #62-48 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #62-72 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #63-72 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #74-72 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #75-32 Bf 109 K-4s
- EagleCals #43-32 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #43-48 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #46-32 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #46-72 Bf 109 G-14s
- EagleCals #37-48 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #42-72 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #41-32 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #41-48 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #41-72 Bf 109 G-6s
- EagleCals #47-32 Bf 109 G-6 Trops
- EagleCals #52-72 Bf 109 Assi Hahn part three
- EagleCals #132-48 Bf 109 G-6
- EagleCals #131-48 Bf 109 F-4
- EagleCals #64-72 Bf 109 F-4 Graf & Grislawski
- EagleCals #51-48 Bf 109 Assi Hahn F-2s and F-4s
- EagleCals #137-32 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #137-72 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #136-32 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #136-72 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #135-32 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #135-72 Bf 109 F-2
- EagleCals #134-32 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #134-48 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #133-48 Ta 152 Hs
- EagleCals #59-72 Fw 190 D-9, D-11 & D-13
- EagleCals #126-48 Fw 190 D-9s & D-13
- EagleCals #124-48 Fw 190 D-9s & D-11s
- EagleCals #125-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #1-48 Fw 190 As and Ds Green Hearts
- EagleCals #1-72 Fw 190 As & Ds Green Hearts
- EagleCals #2-48 Fw 190 A/Ds Green Hearts
- EagleCals #3-48 Fw 190 Ds Green Hearts
- EagleCals #60-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #111-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #111-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #109-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #109-72 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #108-32 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #108-48 Fw 190 D-9s
- EagleCals #8-48 Fw 190 A-8s Sturmjäger Part 2
- EagleCals #99-32 Fw 190 A-8s Sturmjager IV./JG 3 "Udet"
- EagleCals #11-48 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #35-48 Fw 190 Schlangenschwarm
- EagleCals #35-72 Fw 190 Schlangenschwarm
- EagleCals #77-32 Fw 190 A-8s
- EagleCals #91-32 Fw 190 F-8s & F-9s
- EagleCals #89-32 JG 300 Part 2 190s
- EagleCals #90-48 JG 300 109s and 190s
- EagleCals #90-72 JG 300 109s and 190s
- EagleCals #82-32 Fw 190 A-5s
- EagleCals #129-32 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #128-48 Fw 190 As
- EagleCals #113-48 Fi 156 C
- EagleCals #144-48 Ju 87 B/R Stukas
- EagleCals #143-32 Ju 87 B-2 Stukas
- EagleCals #143-48 Ju 87 B-2 Stukas
- EagleCals #138-32 Me 262 As KG(J)
- EagleCals #138-48 Me 262 As KG(J)
- EagleCals #44-48 Me 262 Turbos
- EagleCals #29-48 Me 262A-1as
- EagleCals #119-72 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #118-32 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #118-48 Bf 110 C/D
- EagleCals #116-32 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Three
- EagleCals #115-32 Spitfire Mk. IX Part Two
- EagleCals #141-48 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #139-32 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #139-48 P-51 D Mustangs
- EagleCals #102-48 To War with the Yoxford Boys P-51 Mustangs
- EagleCals #106-48 P-47 Ds
- EagleCals #56-48 Little Chief P-47
- EagleCals #107-32 P-47Ds
- Tale of a Guinea Pig
- EagleParts #100-32 Major George Preddy Figure
- EagleParts #33-32 Bf 109 control surfaces
- EagleParts #29-32 Bf 109 corrected tires
- EagleParts #28-32 Bf 109 radiator fairing for the G-10 and K
- EagleParts #23-48 Bf 109 ETC Rack (F,G,K)
- EagleParts #22-48 Bf 109 Battery Box for the G-6, G-10, G-14
- EagleParts #21-32 Bf 109 corrected drop tank
- EagleParts #62-32 Fw 190 A-5/U14 Torpedo Flugzeug
- EagleParts #57-32 Fw 190 Sturmbock conversion set
- EagleParts #54-32 Fw 190 A-5/U12 underwing gun pods
- EagleParts #51-32 - Fw 190 A-8 Cockpit kit
- EagleParts #48-32 - Fw 190 Main Tire and Wheel set
- EagleParts #43-32 Fw 190 D-9 Radiator Cowling
- EagleParts #42-32 Fw 190 D-9 Three Piece Gun Cowling
- EagleParts #41-32 Fw 190 D-9 early 5 piece Gun Cowling
- EagleParts #15-48 Fw 190 A-5 and later corrected rudder and fin tip
- EagleParts #14-48 Fw 190 A-4 tail tip
- The U.S. 86th Fighter Group in WWII
- Wings of the Black Cross #9
- Wings of the Black Cross #8
- Wings of the Black Cross #6
- Wings of the Black Cross #3
- Gilman Montana Stampede postcard
- EagleCals #114-72 Spitfire Mk. IX
- EagleCals #100-72 P-51 Preddy
- EagleCals #114-48 Spitfire Mk. IX
- EagleCals #107-48 P-47Ds
- Wings of the Black Cross #2
News & New Releases
- Interview with Judy Crandall about Eagle Editions Ltd
- Wings of the Black Cross #15
- Jerry Crandall passed into the loving arms of our Lord on June 12, 2022 R.I.P. my darling. I will love you forever.
- Tamiya Magazine review of Fighters of the Iron Cross, new book by Jerry Crandall
- January 2022 Release Bf 109 Photo Album, Wings of the Black Cross supplement
- IPMS 2021 Las Vegas Nevada at the Rio August 17-21
- Fighters of the Iron Cross The Men and Machines of the Jagdwaffe Jerry Crandall
- P-40 B EagleCals!
- Wings of the Black Cross Special Number Three ~ The Bf 109 by Mark Proulx
- Rock Creek Ranch Art and Wine Show and Sale
Product categories
- Books in Crandall Research Library
- Meng models
- P-38 Lightnings
- P-38 Lightnings
- P-40
- P-40s
- Plastic Model Kits
- Spitfire Mk IX
- Wings of the Allies
- 72
- Autographed Bookplates
- B-25 Mitchell
- B-25 Mitchells
- B-25J and B-25H
- Bf 109 1/48 resins
- Jerry's Ladies
- Tombstone prints, posters and Giclée editions
- 32
- 48
- Bf 109 1/32 resins
- Bf 109s
- Bf 109s
- Bf 109s
- Books by Erik Mombeeck
- EagleCals
- Library of Eagles
- Limited edition western prints
- Western and Cowgirl postcards and photos
- Western Art
- Aviation Art
- Corsairs, F4U-1A, Birdcage, FAA
- Corsairs, F4U-1A, Birdcage, FAA
- EagleParts
- Fw 190 & Ta 152 1/48 resins
- Western Art ~ Canvas Giclées
- 24
- Aircraft Parts
- Civil War Art
- Corsairs; F4U 1A, Birdcage and FAA
- Do 335s
- Do335s
- Erlas Bf 109 G-10s
- Fw 190 & Ta 152 1/32 resins
- Limited Edition Aviation Art prints
- RB Photo Etch
- Do 335s
- Limited Edition Cold Cast Bronze
- Major Preddy 1/32nd scale figure
- Fi 156
- Fokker Triplane
- Luftwaffe Color Chart Chips
- Original Paintings
- Puzzles
- Spitfire Mk I and Mk II 1/32nd resins
- Warehouse finds
- Fw 190s
- Fw 190s
- Limited Edition Art
- Pinup Ladies ~ Giclées on canvas
- Reference and Collector Books
- Wings of the Black Cross
- Collection Sale
- Fw 190s
- He 111 H
- He 111 H
- Cowgirls; Early Images and Collectibles
- He 111 H
- He 162s
- He 219
- Cowgirls; Early Images and Collectibles
- Gas Patch Henschel HS 123 1/48 models
- Hs 129s
- Ju 87 Stukas
- Ju 87
- Ju 87 Stukas
- Ju 88 A-4
- Ju 88 A-4
- Ju 88 A-4
- Me 110s
- Me 110s
- Me 110s
- Me 262
- Me 262s
- Me 262s
- Mosquitos
- Mosquitos
- Mosquitos
- P-40s
- P-38 Lightnings
- P-47 Thunderbolts
- P-47 Thunderbolts
- P-51 Mustangs
- P-51 Mustangs
- P-47 Thunderbolts
- P-61 Black Widow
- P-51 Mustangs
- Spitfire Mk I and II
- P-61 Black Widows
- Spitfire Mk I and II
- Spitfire Mk IX
- Spitfire Mk IX
- Ta 152
- Spitfire Mk I and II
- Ta 152
- Spitfire Mk IX
- Ta 152
Product tags
Product shipping classes
- Restrict Media Mail-EC, books
- Restrict UPS Originals
- Restrict USPS first class
- Restrict USPS retail-EP
- small print tube
- Test Free Shipping
Product Cost
- 10.0000
- 10.5000
- 11.0000
- 11.5000
- 115.0000
- 12.0000
- 12.5000
- 125.0000
- 12500.0000
- 13.0000
- 13.5000
- 145.0000
- 15.0000
- 15.5000
- 16.0000
- 16.5000
- 17.0000
- 17.5000
- 17.9500
- 175.0000
- 18.5000
- 18.9500
- 185.0000
- 19.5000
- 19.7500
- 19.9500
- 21.5000
- 225.0000
- 23.9500
- 24.5000
- 25.0000
- 2850.0000
- 29.9500
- 30.0000
- 32.5000
- 3250.0000
- 34.5000
- 34.9500
- 35.0000
- 38.5000
- 395.0000
- 40.0000
- 45.0000
- 4500.0000
- 5450.0000
- 55.0000
- 5500.0000
- 6.0000
- 6250.0000
- 65.0000
- 7.0000
- 75.0000
- 750.0000
- 8.5000
- 85.0000
- 850.0000
- 9.0000
- 9.5000
- 95.0000
- 9500.0000