EagleCals #79 Fw 190 A-8s in 32nd scale
“Black 12” 8./JG 300
“Blue 4” JG 5
“< Yellow 4” I./JG 301
“Black 4” Victor Heimann
In order enhance the Hasegawa 1/32 Fw 190 A-8, we suggest adding the series of EagleParts resins designed specifically for this kit. Aftermarket items available include, main wheels and tires with the correct tread (EP 48-32), corrected gun cowl (EP 49-32) and corrected propeller blades with accurately shaped spinner. Choose from three propeller styles, EP 45-32, the common 9-12067A metal propeller that is included with the kit but not quite accurate; EP 46-32, 9-12153A with external weights; or EP 47-32, 9-12176A larger wooden paddle blade propeller. Each set of propeller blades comes with a spinner. Listed in each of the instructions are the proper propellers for each aircraft.
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